Festival of Trees

2024 Festival of Trees

Toms River Elks is excited to announce that this year’s Festival of Trees will be held on Thursday December 5, 2024.

The theme of this year’s event is inclusion! The great hall will be decorated of course! This year the decorations will include Dr Seuss inspired designs created by our special children.

What is the Festival of Trees?

Local non-profit organizations are invited to participate in this event by displaying a beautifully decorated artificial Christmas tree that represents your organization and the services that you provide. On December 5th we will have our gala holiday festival, complete with snacks and beverages for all. This year we have some real treats in store for you, including a S’mores Bar! Our cash kitchen will also be open for you to purchase a light fare of dinner foods. There will be music throughout the evening including a performance by the students in the Toms River Orchestra. Santa will be in the house!

This event has had hundreds of followers for years now!  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to raise money and awareness for your organization! Win or lose, your organization will have the added benefit of outreach and exposure to the public.

The trees will remain on display at the lodge through Sunday December 15th, sharing your message to all lodge members and guests.

The application submission period to participate in the 2024 Festival ofTrees opens on August 6, 2024.
Applications must be received by November 15, 2024.

How does your organization benefit by participating?

This year there are 3 different contests.

Tree That Best Reflects The Theme Of Inclusion” – First and second place prizes

Tree That Best Reflects Its Organizations Message” – First and second place prizes

Best Overall Tree” – First place

Each tree will be numbered. Upon entry, all visitors will receive three tickets. Each guest will use each of these tickets to “vote” in the three different contests. The event will be open to the public, so we invite and encourage you to bring along as many of your constituents, family and friends as possible. The more supporters you have the more votes you get.

Additionally, each organization will have a mailbox next to its tree where visitors may leave donations. The donations will all be tallied by tree number, and your organization will receive 100% of all donations made to your tree. 

We will also be conducting a 50/50 raffle and have the winners selected at the festival on December 5th

This event has had hundreds of followers for years now!  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to raise money and awareness for your organization! Win or lose, your organization will have the added benefit of outreach and exposure to the public.

Who makes the Festival of Trees happen?

This program is made possible by members of the Toms River Elks on behalf of Elks National Foundation.  We believe that it is very important for us to support the nonprofit organizations in our community who, like the Elks, do so much to help our neighbors in need. By helping you, we help others.

Please join us in what will be a memorable, fun filled holiday event. We are all “making our community a better place to live”!


Contact Valerie by emailing trelksfot@gmail.com.

Interested in participating?

Download the Festival of Trees cover letter and application by clicking here.

Past Years Festival of Trees

Toms River Elks 2023 Festival of Trees

Email Us



600 Washington St.
Toms River, NJ 08753

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(732) 349-9660